Wednesday Night Kids Club
Wednesday nights through the school year are exciting times for grade school kids from 4 to 12. Starting at 6:30 kids gather for interactive song, story and craft time before heading out to the gym for a creatively structured and unique game tied to the Bible lesson for each night. Feel free to drop your 'little' off and stay for fellowship and Bible study with the other adults. We believe this ministry is an important partnership between parents and leaders to help invest in these young lives!
Wednesday Night Youth Group
Wednesday nights through the school year are also exciting times for teens 12 through 18. Each week teens gather for a mixture of gym based games as well as non-sport oriented theme games tied to the lesson for the week. Each week leaders and teens share prayer requests, memorize Bible verses and focus on Bible lessons relevant to teen lives today. We believe this ministry is an important partnership between parents and leaders to help invest in these fast growing lives!
Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting
Each Wednesday night through the calendar year adults of all ages gather for prayer and a short devotional. Prayer is a powerful and important tool given to the church. God calls each believer to a life of prayer and Wednesday nights are a special opportunity to join together in that privilege. Come for that midweek shot of encouragement and loving support.